Member of the UFPA board of directors
1992-2005 D. Markov was at the diplomatic service as Counselor of the Ukrainian Embassy in the USA and as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Israel (1998-2002), the Republic of Cyprus (1999-2002), the Kingdom of Netherlands (2002-2005). 2005-2006 – Director of the European Union Department in the MFA of Ukraine.
Dmytro Markov was born in 1948, in 1971, he graduated from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Faculty of Romano-Germanic Philology, in 1978, D. Markov graduated from Institute of Television and Radiobroadcasting of the USSR (Moscow), Faculty of Media Management.
In 1971, he worked in Ukrainian media. 1971-1988 Senior Editor, Deputy Editor, Editor in Chief of the Central Directorate of the Republican Radiobroadcasting programs to foreign countries State Committee for Television and Radiobroadcasting of USSR. 1988-1992 Editor in Chief of the General Directorate of the Ukraine Radiobroadcasting World Service, D. Markov was responsible for policy of the programs and radiobroadcasting in English in North America and Western Europe.
1992-1995 Counselor for Public Affairs and Public Relations of the US Embassy in Ukraine. He created a reliable communication system of Ukrainian diplomatic mission with the White House, State Department, Pentagon, Congress and leading American media. D. Markov was the first Ukrainian diplomat and journalist who got membership in National Press Club of the USA.
1995-1998 he held the post of Press Secretary (spokesperson) and the Head of the Press Service of the President of Ukraine. During these years, modern system of Public Relations of the President of Ukraine was formed in the Presidential Administration of Ukraine, mechanisms of democratic relations of the President with the media were established, effective coverage in Ukraine and abroad of crucial for Ukraine events initiated and implemented by the President of Ukraine.
1998-2005 D. Markov was at the diplomatic service as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the State of Israel (1998-2002), the Republic of Cyprus (1999-2002), the Kingdom of Netherlands (2002-2005). 2005-2006 – Director of the European Union Department in the MFA of Ukraine.
2006-2008 D. Markov was a Director of International Investment Group "Renaissance Capital”, he was the Head of the Department for Work with Governmental Entities and Public Relations in Investment Bank "Renaissance Capital Ukraine."
In the beginning of 2009, Dmytro Markov held the position of the Counselor to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Foreign Policy Issues. June 2010, Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on inter-parliamentary cooperation, information policy and communication of the Ukrainian Parliament with the media.
Dmytro Markov has the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.