The project "The White Book of international policy: Russian aggression against Ukraine"is launched ahead of the second anniversary of this aggression.
This project is being implemented under the guidance of a non-governmental organization “Ukrainian Foreign Policy Association”, established in 2015. The association unites experts in the fields of foreign policy, international relations, international law, international economic relations, international information and former members of Ukrainian diplomatic service in particular, as well as other Ukrainian and foreign residents with an aim to promote implementation of Ukrainian foreign affairs state policy, independently analyze global and regional issues and producing options for adequate response to the contemporary challenges.
The ambition of the Association includes, by using members’ intellectual capacity, conducting independent research on wide range of international issues, analyzing and predicting global and regional processes in international affairs, as well as promoting better understanding of current and future Ukrainian international policies. In addition, UFPA strives to create a realistic image of Ukraine within civil society, regarding country’s place in the contemporary world, interest of other countries and realistic assessment of Ukraine’s perspectives.
The projects is the reaction of UFPA to the actions of Russian Federation, which in February 2014 has jeopardized the existence of our state itself. Russia violated numerous international legal, bilateral and multilateral instruments which guaranteed the sovereignty, territorial integrity and border inviolability of Ukraine as well as they excluded using force or the threat of force in relations with Ukraine.
Indeed, modern Ukraine’s top-of-the-agenda issue in the sphere of international policy is confronting Russian aggression. Following the address of Verkhovna Rada to the UN, European Parliament, PACE, PA NATO, PA OSCE, PA GUAM and national parliaments of states of the world on recognizing Russian Federation an aggressor, from Janyary 27, 2015 #129-VIII, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine recognizes Russia to be the aggressor state. All those related to creating this resource hold this very point of view regarding the actions of Russian Federation towards Ukraine.
Even though political landscape, particularly the part of it related to Russian aggression, seems to be clear enough, it turns out to be way more intricate when we look closer: there are excessive ambitions, interests and plans, events and actions, compassion, indifference and loath, truth, half-truth and outright lies, integrity and betrayal. All these elements of human nature get embodied in numerous articles and texts which create the field for diplomatic activities and the matter of international relations.
"White book" – is a documental digital source, which corresponds with the classic concept of “White papers” as a special type of publication, dedicated to unbiased featuring the problem by recording official written documents issued on related topic in chronological order. The distinctive feature of this resource is recording the materials originating from other electronic sources. It allows the resource to include unlimited amount of information, which would be difficult to implement through printed matte.
"White Book"compiles hundreds of electronically recorded open sources: modern diplomatic sources, other regulatory and executory documents and even some narrative texts on issues of foreign policy, which are related to the period of Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the same time this source is not a research project, thus its goal is not to analyze, explain or criticize the statements made in documents. Besides that, despite the substantial volume of materials, the resource is not exhaustive, just like our idea of truth.
"White Book" is a dynamic project, which starts on February 20, 2014 – the day when temporary occupation of Crimea started, as to the Law of Ukraine from September 15, 2015 #685-VII. (After Russian government’s denying their military to be present on Ukrainian territory Russia officially admitted this fact as they created a military decoration “For the Return of Crimea” (founded on March 21, 2014 at the order of Minister of defense of Russian Federation #160). The date pf February 20, 2014 – date of the invasion, is carved on the decoration.
Project plans to be completed when the topic is exhausted – when the sovereignty of Ukraine is renewed on the temporary occupied territories. This way the project is being developed in real time, which gives it even more current interest.
The first publication of the "White Book"covers the period from February 20 to March 31, 2014. It includes the beginning of the occupation, further annexation of Crimea and ends up with the session of the United Nations General Assembly on March 27, 2014, adopting the Resolution “Territorial integrity of Ukraine” which supported the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine in its internationally recognized boarders. Therefore, first publication is also named “Crimea”. In the future, every new publication for the following months will have and additional title to display the landmark of the period covered..
By creating this publically accessible resource we contribute to the documenting of the objective picture on a) Russia’s attempts to ideologically and diplomatically justify and acquit the illicit aggression against Ukraine; b) Ukraine’s diplomatic struggle to withstand these challenges; c) international reaction to Russian aggression. The materials included on the resource also serve as the proof for Russia’s violation of numerous norms of the international law, they demonstrate the must of impermissibility of similar practice in the future international relations and consolidation of the basis for peace and security.
These materials gathered and systematized in one Resource will provide informational and didactical help for the international relations experts: diplomats, students, professors, scholars, journalists, politicians as well as they will give the opportunity to the prepared citizens to extend their comprehension of the documental world of the foreign policy.
We hope you find it useful.
Від укладача - Олега Семенця, Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посла, професора, д.ф.н
"Моніторинг агресії": вступне слово Сергія Пирожкова, віце-президента НАН України, академіка НАН України, Надзвичайного і Повноважного Посла
Характеристика матеріалів та композиція
Меню країн, міжнародних організацій, електронні адреси та абревіатури
Період: 20 - 28 лютого 2014 року | Період: 1 - 31 березня 2014 року | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Додатковий файл: 20 лютого - 31 березня 2014 року
Автори проекту
складають щиру подяку:
Членам Науково-експертної Ради "Української Асоціації зовнішньої політики"
та її Голові С.І.Пирожкову ‒ Віце-Президенту Національної Академії Наук України, Академіку НАНУ, Професору, Надзвичайному і Повноважному Послу, Члену Ради Директорів УАЗП,
Рецензенту-консультанту проекту Я.С.Калакурі ‒ Академіку Академії вищої школи України, Доктору історичних наук, Професору, Члену Науково-експертної Ради УАЗП,
Адвокатському Об'єднанню "Адвокатська Фірма "АКТІО" та її Директору В.Я.Ямпольському,
А.В.Міхньову - експерту в інформаційно-аналітичній галузі,
а також усім особам і установам, які долучилися до створення цього електронного документального ресурсу.